Friday, March 23, 2007

Our little Amelia Bedlia...

Well, we have a name now! Finally! Her name is Amelia. I guess I will call her Milli. My little Millipede!

My cuz sent me a few pics. Hopefully, we will meet Amelia tomorrow.
As you can see, she has a full head of hair. She kind of looks like my bro when he was born, except a little bigger! They've both got the squinty eyes
Check out the pic from the 80's -->
What's he doing w/his fingers???
Course, my bro looks nothing like this anymore, so, who knows what little Milli's going to look like.

1 comment:

Princess B said...

Aww, she looks like a sleeping angel. Cute name too!

Your bro looks like he's playing the piano.